Elena Sabatini
Senior Manager
Since joining the team in September 2018, Elena has led programmes including the Liverpool 100 Day Challenge, bringing people across the city together to improve life chances for children and young people, and coached teams of frontline staff and people with lived experience in Essex and Midlothian. Elena has also been working on a range of programmes in Scotland focused on shifting relationships between communities, statutory services and community anchor organisations and learning from the third sector’s response to Covid-19.
Elena’s background is in supporting people with lived experience to participate in designing and delivering health and care services. This is through her previous role at Certitude, a charity supporting people with mental health needs and learning disabilities, and from her experience caring for a close friend with severe and enduring mental health needs. She is proud of having helped establish and is a trustee for Words That Carry On, a memorial fund dedicated to carrying out vital mental health research on personality disorders and autism to help people live happy, healthy lives.
Outside of work, Elena loves growing tomatoes, long bike rides and playing the ukulele – activities that luckily withstood the test of lockdown!